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Successful Testrun of Key Equipment for CMOC TFM Copper-Cobalt Mine Expansion Project in DRC designed by China Nerin

April 28, as the mill thundered, the testrun of key equipment for CMOC Tenke Fungurume Copper-Cobalt Mine Expansion Project (10k) in DRC started successfully, which marked the project construction had achieved its objectives in this stage and would formally move on to the next stage.

CMOC Tenke Fungurume Copper-Cobalt Mine Expansion Project (TFM 10k) is the current largest copper-cobalt mine producing “copper + cobalt” metal products by hydrometallurgical process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The project construction capacity is 8,900,000 t/a, and the output is around 256,000 t/a cathode copper and 21,000 t/a crude cobalt hydroxide.

China Nerin undertakes the project design and the supply of its electro-winning stripping machine. Since the detailed engineering design started in January 2020, China Nerin’s project team has been working together to overcome difficulties and go on business trips overseas despite the unprecedented global pandemic of COVID-19, providing strong technical support during the whole process of the project. The smooth implementation of the project will further consolidate China Nerin's international leading position in copper and cobalt hydrometallurgy.

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