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China Nerin Won 5 Design Awards (Industrial) of China Engineering and Consulting Industry

China Engineering & Consulting Association recently announced the "2021 Outstanding Engineering and Consulting Awards for Engineering Consulting, Architectural Engineering, and Municipal Engineering" (hereby referred as the Awards). China Nerin won 5 awards, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes and 2 third prizes, which account for nearly 20% of the total awards to the Chinese non-ferrous metals design industry.

The Awards are selected every second year by China Engineering & Consulting Association, aiming at enhancing the quality of engineering and consulting, guiding and encouraging design institutes and technicians to deliver projects of fine quality, high level and good benefits. The Industrial Engineering Awards were added as a new category in 2021 and honored in 2022 for the first time. The Industrial Awards are sub-categorized into 20 industries. In total 27 prizes went to the non-ferrous metals design industry this year, including 5 first prizes, 10 second prizes and 12 third prizes.

The winner of first prize, Kamoya Copper Cobalt Mine (DRC) - Phase 2 Oxidized Ore Project, was implemented by China Nerin for its full process engineering design, automation system integration, equipment supply and construction supervision. The project is another model of “going-out” under the joint efforts of China Nerin and Wanbao Mining Limited after China Nerin’s successful delivery on Kamoya Copper Cobalt Mine (DRC) - Phase 1 Project. The design capacity is 3000t/d ROM for mining and ore processing and the final products are standard copper cathode (25,000 t/a) and crude cobalt hydroxide (cobalt metal, 2000 t/a). It is a mega modern copper cobalt mine complex of exploration, mining, ore processing and hydrometallurgy. The project also won the 2020-2021 Quality Project Award of Non-ferrous Metals Industry.

The second prize winners of China Nerin are Deziwa Copper Cobalt Mine (DRC) Project and Rocklands Copper Concentrator Project (Australia); the third prize winners are High-efficient Green Treatment and Eco-friendly Recycling of Used Lead Batteries of Anhui Huabo Renewable Resources Technology Co., Ltd., and Copper Rod Phase 2 Expansion Project of Guangzhou JCC.

台北市| 广灵县| 阆中市| 夹江县| 仙游县| 南皮县| 明光市| 屏南县| 抚远县| 济南市| 康定县| 北辰区| 泗洪县| 桐梓县| 岫岩| 承德县| 慈利县| 武义县| 湄潭县| 安仁县| 卢龙县| 峨边| 甘洛县| 汝州市| 乌兰浩特市| 平安县| 金湖县| 通渭县| 固安县| 安国市| 沽源县| 耒阳市| 简阳市| 雷山县| 佛教| 华宁县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 图们市| 都匀市| 汨罗市| 思茅市|