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Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Nerin Wu Runhua led a delegation to Africa for a working visit

Recently, Wu Runhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Nerin, led a delegation on a working visit to Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to strengthen communication and cooperation with clients and expedite the progress of overseas engineering projects.

During their trip, Wu Runhua and the delegation visited companies in Zambia, including the Jiangxi Economic Cooperation Zone, the NaiPu Mining Machinery Production Base, NFC Africa Mining PLC, and Chambishi Copper Smelter Limited. They also visited enterprises in the DRC, such as CMOC Tenke Fungurume Mining S.A., CMOC Kinsafu Mining S.A.R.L., Somidez Mining Company, Lualaba Copper Company, Sicomines S.A., Kamoa Copper S.A., and USMCC. These visits were marked by productive exchanges with the respective company leaders, where Wu Runhua expressed his gratitude for their continued trust and support towards China Nerin, while exploring opportunities for enhanced future collaboration.

Wu Runhua and the delegation also inspected the ongoing projects of China Nerin in the region, assessing their progress. They engaged with the on-site personnel, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the corporate culture of "Professionalism, Reputation, Innovation, and Cooperation" and the value of working together with one heart and one mind. They urged the team to unite in overcoming challenges, dedicating their utmost efforts to the successful execution of the projects, ensuring that clients receive the highest standards of technology and services.

Accompanying the delegation on the visits were representatives from Marketing Department, Mine Business Unit, and Nerin Environmental Technology Company.

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