

Intelligent Plant Project of CNMC Yangxin Hongsheng Copper Smelter

China Nerin took the lead in the industry to implement the centralized control of integrating  operation and control, provided an advanced full-process digital intelligent operating system,  and constructed plant-wide DCS, integrated communication system, intelligent center, centralized control room, data center, and other integrated systems.

时尚| 隆尧县| 江源县| 丰宁| 凤凰县| 泗阳县| 潼关县| 上饶市| 墨竹工卡县| 池州市| 嘉鱼县| 罗甸县| 蒲城县| 隆回县| 和林格尔县| 天柱县| 蓝山县| 宁城县| 新平| 轮台县| 洪江市| 延庆县| 郑州市| 甘南县| 自贡市| 晋宁县| 涞源县| 乌拉特前旗| 克东县| 大兴区| 陆河县| 南澳县| 岱山县| 福安市| 墨竹工卡县| 阜阳市| 钟祥市| 泗阳县| 青浦区| 札达县| 甘肃省|