

Detailed Regulatory Planning (including Urban Design) of Longkou Economic Development Zone, Shandong

Planned land area: 68.89km2. Three major functional areas: port, industry, and living. The plan is to improve urban functions, improve the landscape environment, enhance the city image, and realize the evolution of the development zone from an industrial area to a coastal city with complete functions.

高邑县| 宾川县| 启东市| 康平县| 海淀区| 田阳县| 陕西省| 子长县| 东阳市| 体育| 即墨市| 上林县| 宜黄县| 烟台市| 高邮市| 义乌市| 库车县| 新绛县| 麻城市| 江山市| 哈密市| 高青县| 临桂县| 田东县| 会理县| 光山县| 台江县| 涿州市| 铅山县| 苏尼特左旗| 宜春市| 莒南县| 开原市| 油尖旺区| 富川| 南部县| 内丘县| 方山县| 株洲县| 惠东县| 陆川县|