

Detailed Regulatory Planning and Urban Design of Shantang Section, Central Urban Area of Xinfeng County, Jiangxi

Planned land area: 4.12km². It integrates the resources of the planned area and surrounding areas to create an ecological and livable place with "harmony both in geological location and its community".

诏安县| 平阳县| 南涧| 三江| 磴口县| 吕梁市| 阜阳市| 西青区| 霍山县| 板桥市| 永登县| 白朗县| 武义县| 金塔县| 耒阳市| 南开区| 赤水市| 丹东市| 汉川市| 连江县| 玉林市| 山东| 阆中市| 通海县| 明水县| 青田县| 昌平区| 娱乐| 霍林郭勒市| 平泉县| 宁武县| 石台县| 昌平区| 康乐县| 洛阳市| 辰溪县| 金沙县| 泾阳县| 锦屏县| 阿拉善左旗| 南雄市|