

Riverside Greening and Landscaping on Xiujiang East Road, Yichun City, Jiangxi

Design area: around11.4hm².The project is committed to creating a complex and diverse  waterfront environment and a LOHAS smart living and recreation area.
Second prize of Provincial Award for Outstanding Engineering Survey and Design in Garden Landscape and Ecological Environment Design.

鹤峰县| 沁源县| 通城县| 淮南市| 宜君县| 西华县| 广德县| 海林市| 高碑店市| 始兴县| 邵武市| 抚宁县| 邹平县| 兴海县| 高淳县| 荣成市| 齐河县| 清新县| 出国| 门源| 天祝| 昭觉县| 定日县| 达州市| 大冶市| 利川市| 噶尔县| 阿尔山市| 沂源县| 屯门区| 沈阳市| 武穴市| 蒙山县| 台安县| 伊春市| 林西县| 石泉县| 泰安市| 班玛县| 柏乡县| 天全县|